
2025 Pre-Identified Rostered Ministers

Pre-Identified Rostered Ministers of Word and Sacrament

The people of the Metropolitan New York Synod will be calling a new bishop during the 2025 Synod Assembly on May 2-3 at the Marriott Melville Long Island.

As part of this process, individuals, congregations, and conferences within our synod have pre-identified Rostered Ministers of Word and Sacrament who possess the desired gifts for the office of the bishop. It is essential to clarify that this pre-identification is not a nomination process but a method to share ideas and information that may assist in our discernment.

Each pre-identified Rostered Minister has been invited to complete the "Questions for Pre-Identified ELCA Rostered Ministers" form formulated by the Bishop’s Election Committee. The profiles submitted through this questionnaire are accessible below. Please note that these profiles will be removed from mnys.org before Plenary Session I of our MNYS 2025 Assembly on May 2. At the time of the nominating ballot (first ballot), any Rostered Minister of Word and Sacrament of the ELCA will be eligible for consideration.

We thank the pre-identified rostered ministers for their willingness to follow this important process.

The following profiles are shared alphabetically.

The Rev. Dr. Katrina Foster

The Rev. Jennifer Herrmann

The Rev. Dr. Stephanie Jaeger

The Rev. Khader Khalilia

The Rev. Marcia Parkinson-Harrison


